Session Detail Records

You can configure the device to generate Session Detail Records (SDRs). Unlike CDRs, which are generated per SBC leg -- incoming (ingress) or outgoing (egress) leg of the call-- an SDR is generated for both legs. In other words, an SDR is a call detail record of the entire call session. In addition, SDRs contain relevant call information that can be used for billing applications.

You can configure the device to generate SDRs for calls that were successfully established and terminated, and for calls that were attempted but failed. In addition, you can also configure the device to generate SDRs at specific intervals during an established call (see Configuring Intervals for Intermediate SDRs).

The device supports a default SDR field structure. However, you can customize the structure to include only specific fields. For more information, see Customizing SDR Fields.

You can configure the device to send the SDRs to the following:

Save SDRs on the device's local storage memory (see Storing SDRs Locally on the Device).
Send stored SDR files periodically to a remote third-party server (see Sending Locally Stored SDR Files to Remote Server).
Send SDRs to a syslog server (see Configuring SDR Reporting to Syslog Server).
Send SDRs to an HTTP-based REST server using the device's REST API (see Configuring SDR Reporting to REST Server).